Forest Campaign

Netizen Condemn Clearing of Orangutan Habitat in East Kutai, Borneo

A recent video showing habitat of Bornean Orangutan being cleared for oil palm plantation published by PROFAUNA Indonesia in their Facebook fan page on 28 October 2016 sparked mixed comments from the netizen

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Declared Forest Burning ‘Haram’

Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/MUI) has issued a fatwa against forest-burning. This was stated by MUI's Fatwa Board member, Huzaimah T. Yanggi, in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry office

Birdwatching Training for Rangers of Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve

PROFAUNA Indonesia held a short training on birdwatching for rangers stationed at Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve

Customary Institution and PROFAUNA Installed Anti-Poaching Sign in Wehea Forest

PROFAUNA and the customary institution of Dayak Wehea of Nehas Liah Bing village installed a number of signs around Wehea forest

Two English Ladies Volunteer at Wehea Forest, East Kalimantan

Not many people wants to spend their time and money for social works deep in a jungle. That does not seem to apply for two English ladies,

Preparing Trees for Animal Food in Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve

PROFAUNA is preparing seedlings of trees to be planted in and around Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats