Land clearing undergone by PT Nusantara Agro Sejahtera (NAS) in Wahau, East Borneo, is putting the survival of the Bornean Orangutan in great danger because the cleared land is adjacent to a conservation area
Protection of Forest and Fauna (PROFAUNA) Indonesia protests against the construction of a nickel smelter in a land adjacent to the Baluran National Park
After years of working in many issues in Borneo, finally Protection of Forest and Fauna (PROFAUNA) officially opens new office of "PROFAUNA BORNEO PROGRAM" in Tanjung Redeb, Berau, East Borneo
Protection of Forest and Fauna (PROFAUNA) as a grassroots organization supported by thousands of our members endorses the campaign to save the leuser ecosystem.
The ecosystem of Baluran National Park in Situbondo regency, East Java, Indonesia is facing a great threat from a nickel smelter which is going to be erected right outside the national park border