Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 10:00
(08/25/2010) The flood hitting Putussibau region of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan on 23 August 2010 proves to be the impact of the government's poor policy on natural rescources management. Most forest use and conversion are taken over by the government where local people are put aside.
Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Mon, 08/09/2010 - 10:00
(08/09/2010) Deforestation of natural forests in Kalimantan or Borneo Island keeps happening and threatening the wildlife and local people. A logging company, PT. Toras Banua Sukses has received a renewal permit to operate in Kapuas forest which threats the habitats and survival of some endangered wildlife including: Orang utans, proboscis monkeys, and sun bears, and also causes disputes to the local tribal people who depend their livelihood on the forest.
Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Wed, 04/07/2010 - 10:00
(04/07/2010) The Indonesian Forestry Ministry's proposal to define palm oil plantations as forests is a controversy showing government's two faces in the natural resources conservation efforts.
Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Thu, 02/25/2010 - 11:00
(02/25/2010) The decreasing forests in Java Island threats the lives of humans and wildlife, especially those endemic to the Island. The recently increasing natural and man-made disasters indicate that forests have degraded.
Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Wed, 01/06/2010 - 11:00
(01/06/2010) Forests in Java Island, Indonesia, degrade which threat human and other living things on the Island, especially wildlife endemic to Java. Based on the deforestation pace published by the Forestry Department for 2003-2006 period, the largest deforestation happened in Sumatera which was 268,000 hectares/year or 22,8% of the total deforestation in Indonesia which was 1.17 millions hectares/year. The next places were in Kalimantan for 239,000 hectares/year (20.4%), Sulawesi for 114,700 hectares/year (9.8 %), and Java for 2,500 hectares/year (0.2%).