
Ride for Orangutan Goes to SMA 5 Kota Jambi

ProFauna's Ride for Orangutan (RFO) team paid a visit to SMA 5 Kota Jambi to have a discussion with the high-school students about Orangutan and habitat protection (27/4/2013). The discussion was opened with a film about orangutan conservation; then, questions were raised and the discussion segued.

SDN 222 Palembang Greet Ride for Orangutan team

Ride for Orangutan (RFO) team was rapturously welcomed by the students of SDN 222 Palembang, South Sumatra (25/4/2013). Teachers and hundreds of elementary school kids cheered and waved their hands to the team as the riders entered the school, which is located above a river.

Way Kanan’s Mayor Hosts Ride for Orangutan team

Bustami Zainudin, the mayor of Way Kanan, Lampung, warmly welcomed the arrival of RFO team who is doing campaigns on orangutan conservation across Sumatra. During a dinner in the mayor's house (23/4/2013), Mr. Zainudin affirmed his support for ProFauna Indonesia for the campaign on orangutan and habitat protection.

Celebrate the Earth Day in Lampung with Convoy and Crash-course on Orangutan Conservation

ProFauna Indonesia's activists collaborated with motorbikes community, Slank's fans club, and environmental organization in Lampung to celebrate the Earth Day in 22 April by doing a convoy around Bandar Lampung streets to promote the conservation of orangutans and their habitats.

Slank Launched "Ride For Orangutan 2013" Team

Slank Launches ProFauna's "Ride for Orangutan" Team Off to Sumatra on Orangutan Campaign

ProFauna Indonesia Launched "Ride for Orangutan 2013"

ProFauna launched "Ride for Orangutan 2013" campaign, attended by mass media. Read more


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats