Press Release: Javan Langurs Founded in Cangar National Park
(11/26/2010) Cangar forest, situated in the Grand Forest Park (national park) areas of R Soerjo (locally known as Tahura R Soerjo), has become the main habitat for the endangered silver leaf-monkey or the Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus). Latest research conducted by ProFauna Indonesia between July and November 2010 shows that in the forest, there are about 80 langurs consisting of 11 family groups. Javan langur is a protected species under Indonesian wildlife law.
The population survey in the forest covers around 25% of the national park: the Anjosmoro hills, Watu Ondo waterfalls, Teyeng waterfall, Cangar hot springs, Brawijaya University's laboratory plantations, and the forests by Goa Jepang (A tunnel made by the Japanese Colonial during the World War era). This findings show that R Soerjo national park plays important role as the main habitat of the endangered primate and other wildlife.
The results of the collaboration research between ProFauna Indonesia and the Office of R Soerjo national park, also show that about 70% of the vegetation is Lesch ex Blume (Engelhardia spicata). Other identified plant species include pigeon wood (Trema orientalis), Euodia latifolia, Rasamala tree (Altingia excels), Ficus variegata, goolar fig. (Ficus racemosa), etc.
The existence of Javan langurs in Cangar forest can function as an indicator that the tropical rain forest of Cangar is in good condition as the monkeys can only live in healthy heterogeneous forest. Chairman of ProFauna Indonesia, Rosek Nursahid, stated, "Javan langurs in R Soerjo must be conserved in order to protect the forests as well. In addition, Javan langurs can become an attraction of the Eco-tourism, especially for foreign tourists."
R Soerjo national park is 27,868.30 hectares and located at an altitude between 1,000-3,339 meter above sea level, rich in biodiversity. Another population survey of ProFauna shows that the national park is inhabited by more than 80 bird species including the endangered birds like the Javan hawk-eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi). Apart from the biodiversities, R Soerjo national park plays important role in maintaining the hydrological functions of water supply consisting of 163 springs for the people of Great Malang city.
Proceeding the joint conservation project, ProFauna and the Office of the national park plan to monitor the biodiversity in the park which are actually the remaining tropical rain forest in East Java. ProFauna will keep encouraging the government to conduct regular patrol in the national park to prevent the illegal wildlife poaching.