Press Release: ProFauna Calls for Indonesian Government Action to Fully Enforce the Wildlife Laws at the Skinned and Stolen Tiger in Rimbo Jambi Zoo, Sumatera
(08/25/2009) The illegal trade of wildlife parts is more rampant. ProFauna Indonesia, a wildlife protection organization, records that there have been three tigers killed in zoos in Indonesia for the past four months. It seems that there is no more 'safe place' for the endangered Sumateran tigers. In the wild, tigers are still being hunted for trade while in zoos; tigers are still threatened as well by the illegal wildlife syndicates.
The latest sadistic case was the skinned and stolen tiger in Rimbo Zoological Garden, Jambi, Sumatera, Indonesia (22 August 2009). The tiger was killed in her cage and the criminals stole most of her carcass which are very lucrative in the black market. The remaining parts left in the cage were her intestines and few ribs.
Almost all of tiger parts are valuable: from fang, claws, skin, and whisker to bones. Based on ProFauna's survey, the findings uncover the following: a whole body skin of a tiger could fetch 1,000 USD; a fang is 70 USD, a piece of whisker is worth from 12.5 to 30 USD, and a rib costs 25 USD. ProFauna's latest survey revealed that from 21 locations visited in Sumatera, six of them sold tiger parts. Furthermore, these illegal crimes happen openly in Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, Padang, and Palembang Cities.
ProFauna is strongly against such crimes, especially those happen in zoos. The latest stealing in Jambi zoo shows the lack of control and security by the zoo's authorities. Government should fully enforce the wildlife laws to tackle this illegal wildlife crime and save the remaining big cats.
ProFauna's campaign officer, Radius Nursidi stated,"The skinned and stolen tiger in Jambi zoo has added the long list of the illegal wildlife crimes in zoos. ProFauna urges the government to fully enforce the laws at this case." Nursidi added," ProFauna strongly recommends the government to put moratorium on Indonesian zoos. The government should not permit any new zoo and should instead focus on assisting and monitoring the present zoos".
For further information, please contact:
Swasti Prawidya Mukti
(International Affairs Officer, ProFauna Indonesia)