Freedom for Sea Turtles in Bali

Freedom for Sea Turtles in BaliTanjung Benoa in Bali Island has been notoriously known as the hub of the green turtle trade. In general, the sea turtle trade in Bali has drastically dropped since the year 2000. However, the recent confiscation shows that the smuggling and trade of sea turtle keeps happening secretly because there is demand of the green turtle meat in the island. Since 1999, ProFauna has worked closely with the police, the Forestry Department and the local communities to protect and conserve sea turtles in Bali. ProFauna has continually educated the public and held protection campaign to stop the illegal trade of sea turtles.

The recent achievement by ProFauna was enforcement assistance and sea turtle release facilitation to the Directorate of Bali Marine Police that successfully foiled the smuggling attempt of 18 endangered sea turtles by the coastline of Tanjung Benoa, Badung Region, Bali, on 5th July 2011. The seized green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were evacuated by the enforcement officers from a boat. The perpetrators admitted that the turtles came from East Nusa Tenggara and were about to be sold in Bali with the average price of 4 million IDR each. The turtles were released back to the sea on Kuta Beach later on the same day in the afternoon.

The culprits; Gede Holik, I Gusti Ngurah Datya, and Nyoman Sugira; were undergoing intensive investigation by the Bali Marine Police team. They offended the Wildlife Act No. 5 of 1999 concerning Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems, with a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a maximum fine of 100 million IDR. As stated in the law, all species of sea turtles have been protected meaning that the trade is illegal.

Apart from the enforcement efforts against the illegal trade of sea turtle , ProFauna has been actively working together with the locals of Kuta Beach in the sea turtle conservation project: from eggs relocation to release of the hatchlings of Olive Ridley turtle. Between June and August is the peak season for the nesting sea turtle on Kuta Beach. ProFauna records show that from February 2011 to June 2011, there have been 3,181 eggs evacuated and 573 hatchlings released to the sea. ProFauna team predicts that there will be more sea turtles nest and lay eggs on the Beach in July.

© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats