Beside poaching and trade, the Tarsiers in Sulawesi are also threatened by massive land opening, which are to be converted into large-scale extractive industries, mining, and palm oil plantation
Wildlife protection organization, ProFauna Indonesia, staged a unique action to celebrate Indonesian Primate Day. The action attracted the public's attention because there was a monkey show
Environmental activists and animal lovers from many cities in Indonesia celebrates Indonesian Primate Day altogether at the same day, in their own hometowns. The celebration is initiated and promoted by ProFauna, and is celebrated every year on 30 January
Indonesia primate and habitat conservation requires active participation from the public. It takes people's awareness not to keep primate as pets because this hobby is one of the main triggers of poaching and trade, leading to the primates' extinction
Submitted by ProFauna Admin on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 10:17
Two long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have recently become the new residents of ProFauna's Wildlife Rescue Center (PWRC) since February 2013. The interesting story behind the new comers was that the monkeys were lost after being chased by come poachers
Orangutan is the only great ape living in Asia, while the other apes like gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo live in Africa. Less than 20,000 years ago, orangutans lived in South East Asia from Java Island in the southern part of the area to the North end of Himalayan Mountains and Southern China. Nowadays, orangutans can only be found in the forests in Sumatera and Borneo (Kalimantan).