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After Forestry Police Shot Illegal Loggers, Logging in Merubetiri National Park Worsens

The shooting of an alleged illegal logger in the Merubetiri National Park (TNMB, local abbreviation), did not stop the logging in this nature conservation area. 

Sea Turtle Conservation Done Right: Release Hatchlings to the Ocean Right Away!

Thirty conservation activists from all around Indonesia joined a training held by PROFAUNA Indonesia and Yayasan Penyu Indonesia (YPI/Indonesian Turtle Foundation) at Tamban Beach, Malang, East Java on 18 July 2019.

Wildlife Hunting in Kondang Iwak Beach of Malang Regency Remains High

Wildlife hunting in Kondang Iwak Beach, Donomulyo Subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java remains high. During the patrol deployed by PROFAUNA Rangers on 7 July 2019, the team encounters three  wildlife hunters,

Semangat untuk Melestarikan Satwa Liar dan Habitatnya dalam PROFAUNA Conference 2019

Ratusan aktivis lingkungan menghadiri acara PROFAUNA Conference 2019 yang mengangkat tema "Keep Wildlife in The Wild". yang diadakan pada tanggal 13-14 Juli 2019 di Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center (P-WEC)

Knowing Hornbills, Unique Birds that are Important for Forest Conservation

The existence of hornbills in the nature is closely related to the forest conservation. Cruising almost 100 kilometer squares, hornbills are effective seed dispersers in the forest.

Authorities Arrested Online Wildlife Dealer in Malang, East Java

East Java Nature Conservation Agency (BKSDA) arrested a wildlife dealer in Malang, East Java, on Friday (8/3/2019). The arrest was made together


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats