Dead "Orangutans" in The Streets of Padang
Padang (30/04/2013). Passers-by of Jalan Baginda Aziz, Padang, West Sumatra, were astounded when suddenly two "orangutans" sprawled in the crowded street. Drivers and policemen curiously stared at the orangutans, who were holding posters saying save orangutan Sumatra. They were not real orangutans, but ProFauna's activists from Ride for Oramgutan (RFO) team. They were having a campaign to promote Sumatran orangutan protection.
The campaign started from 20 April 2013 from Jakarta is conducted by touring around Sumatra on dirtbikes. During the program, the team will also visit schools and campus in Sumatra about orangutan and habitat protection. Community engagement activities will also be conducted in public places, involving local communities like the one in Padang.
Prior to the campaign in Padang, ProFauna had held other campaigns in Jakarta, Bandar Lampung, Way Kanan, Palembang and Jambi. The events were supported and attended by automotive communities, Slankers (Slank's fans). Made Astuti, the spokesperson of RFO team, stated "The act of sprawling in the street by ProFauna's activists is a symbol of how Sumatran orangutan is in a very close to extinction due to deforestation."
RFO campaign, which is supported by International Primate Protection League (IPPL) and, is expected to raise people's awareness towards orangutan conservation. ProFauna also hopes that they can urge the government to take orangutan conservation more seriously, including habitat degradation.