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Press Release: Toko Bagus Supports Wildlife Conservation

(11/29/2012) Toko Bagus.Com, one of the biggest online shopping websites in Indonesia, supports ProFauna Indonesia working on wildlife conservation in the country by not displaying the illegal wildlife trade on its website. Toko Bagus expressed its commitment during the meeting with ProFauna Jakarta held on 28th November 2012 in Jakarta.

ProFauna Urges the Surabayans Boycott of the Illegal Wildlife Trade

The high level of the illegal wildlife trade in Surabaya wildlife markets urges ProFauna to raise public awareness of Surabaya people not to buy wildlife.

ProFauna Bali Protests Against Wildlife Delicacies

Dozens of ProFauna Bali's activists protested some restaurants in Indonesia for selling wildlife dishes on their menus. The protest was staged by the activists by smearing fake blood on their heads and upper bodies... More information

ProFauna Campaigns Wildlife Protection for Women

The wildlife and forest protection organization, ProFauna Indonesia, holds unique campaigns in big cities in Indonesia to increase the awareness of the public, especially for women, to care for wildlife.

Melanie Subono Promotes Wildlife Conservation in SMA 10 Malang

The female rockstar who just launched a new album and a book, invited the students to get involved in nature and wildlife conservation. The students includeing the teachers were excited to get involved with the efforts as expressed during when they addressed some questions to the singer after ProFauna played a conservation film.

Islam Cares for Animals

Workshop of "Animal Welfare in Islam" had been held for 2 (two) days, on 22-23 May 2010 in two locations, namely Al-Hikam campus and Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center (P-WEC- ProFauna's education centre). The workshop was jointly organized by ProFauna Indonesia, P-WEC, and Al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School, with funding provided by Animalia Foundation and Compassion in World Farming (CIWF).


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats