Mt. Kelud in East Java erupted on 13 February 2014, and the impact is felt across the island. Thus, ProFauna sent off an animal rescue team consisting of 5 personnel since 14 February 2014. The team was sent to assess the impact of the volcanic eruption on the wild and domestic animals
In the morning right after the mountain erupted, ProFauna's team headed to the location to rescue the animals. Not only wild animals, but cattle and pets also suffer from the impacts of the volcanic eruption
Entering the year of 2014, online illegal wildlife trade is apparently still raging. ProFauna Indonesia notices that in January 2014 only, there were at least 220 advertisements offering protected wildlife species and body parts in Kaskus
ProFauna Indonesia demands Trans7 (a private Tv channel) to cancel its "Berburu" ["Hunting"] which is considered to be violating conservation ethics due to its exploitative acts
The population of the Javan leopard in Bromo Tengger Semeru national park is estimated to be less than 10 due to persistent illegal hunting and habitat destruction, an environmentalist has said.