ProFauna Demands Trans7’s “Berburu” TV Show Cancelled

ProFauna Indonesia demands Trans7 (a private Tv channel) to cancel its "Berburu" ["Hunting"] which is considered to be violating conservation ethics due to its exploitative acts. ProFauna's demand was delivered on a dialogue between proFauna and Trans7, mediated by Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (IBC), in Jakarta yesterday (6/1/2014). In the meeting attended also by Anti Wildlife Trade League, ProFauna was represented by radius Nursidi and Irma Hermawati. They reiterated ProFauna's letter to IBC and Trans7 sent on 1 October 2013 demanding the cancellation of the show.

IBC was represented by Agastha Lily, Rahmat Hidayat dan Idinuzayat; while Trans7 was represented by Titin (the Chief Editor), Anton (the producer of animal World Series), and Muhammad Gatot (the producer of "Berburu"). In the letter and dialogue, Profauna affirmed that animal exploitation shown on "Berburu" is reprehensible because not only it tortures and stressed out the animals, but also it is misleading for the viewers. Moreover, if the animals shown are protected species, then it has violated the Law no. 5 of 1990 Concerning the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Its Ecosystem, which mentions that anybody is forbidden to catch, kill, keep, and trade protected wildlife species.

ProFauna Indonesia's campaign officer, Radius Nursidi, said ""Berburu" TV show has stained conservation efforts conducted by the government and concerned communities in Indonesia. The exploitation acts are unethical and strongly violates animal welfare." Radius added "TV shows should play its role in educating and encouraging the public to treat animals ethically, non-violently, and to support conservation."

Trans7's representatives basically agreed and positively responded ProFauna's complaint and they are committed to improve the TV show by stop hunting protected species. Trans7 will also stop showing acts of animal abuse.

Muhammad Gatot, the producer of the very show, claimed "Actually we have the hunting permit from the government, including from the National park authority and Natural Resource Conservation Agency." Irma Hermawati, ProFauna's advocate, replied to this. "Any form of hunting within the boundaries of a conservation area is forbidden by law."

Even though Trans7 has not agreed yet with ProFauna to cancel the show, but the dialogue was a really positive progress. "ProFauna will keep on monitoring the show and should there be any more animal cruelty or infringement, ProFauna will surely take other measures," Radius concluded.

© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats