Bird Campaign

Again: Protected Wildlife Species Smuggling in South Halmahera

South Halmahera Police, North Maluku, thwarted a smuggling attempt of 47 birds of varied species.

Public Figures of North Maluku Supports PROFAUNA’s Parrot Protection Campaign

Several public figures of North Maluku have proclaimed their support for PROFAUNA's parrot protection campaign.

Bacan Queen Joins PROFAUNA in Educating Students about Parrot Protection

PROFAUNA's visit to the schools was special because Ma Eka, the Queen of Bacan, came along as the educator

Lady Sparked Internet Rage by Posting Birds of Paradise Hunting Photos on Social Media

Feronica Natalia Saman, who posted photos of her hunting Birds of Paradise on Facebook, had sparked a massive internet rage

What a Vet Says about Keeping Owls at Home

Owls, naturally nocturnal (active at night), are being increasingly popular as pets and attractions in tourist destinations and car free day areas.

Birdwatching Training for Rangers of Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve

PROFAUNA Indonesia held a short training on birdwatching for rangers stationed at Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats